Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where I'd rather be....

Yes, I'll admit it. I'm a wimpy SoCal girl who doesn't tolerate cold weather. So what?!? With all the rain lately, all I can think of is....

...a much needed vacation!!!
Right NOW, I'd rather be swimming at the beach, laying out and getting may damn tan on! I'm so pale!
One day, we'll revisit this tropical paradise. Bora Bora.


Anonymous said...

*sigh* That sounds nice. I could really use a beach, sunshine and a margarita. You think you're pale! Try living in Portland. I'm shining I"m so white. How's everything going?

Dan said...

hey, way to include David in your blog. selfish. It should be jisuniandwhateverdavid'skoreannameis