This Mother's Day, I spent part of the weekend in Orange County with my parents and the other part in San Diego with David's parents. It was fun hanging out with my family Saturday afternoon. My mom who only accepts gift cards on birthdays, holidays, etc. accepted my invitation to the mall to pick out a handbag. She picked out a cute yellow one, something she wouldn't typically carry, but something that was fresh and different from her collection of handbags. For dinner, we went to a Japanese buffet in Long Beach and stuffed our faces! Then on Sunday (after I got off work), we drove down to SD to visit David's family. I made cupcakes (below) for David's mom, aunt, & Chihye. They were lemon cupcakes w/ fruit buttercream. The next day, we went shopping with the family and had a nice home-cooked galbi dinner. Although the trip was shortlived, I could tell David's mom was so happy to have all her children under one roof. To all the moms out there, HAPPY BELATED MOTHERS' DAY. I truly have the utmost respect for mothers! Especially to all my close mommy all rock! I hope I can learn from all of you and be a wonderful mother one day! Just like you!