Sunday, December 28, 2008
Holiday Candy~
Did you know that candy canes fight germs and settle stomachs? It's the peppermint! =) Happy holidays!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
2008 Biography
I still can't believe this year's almost over. Is it just that the older you get, the quicker time flies? Without a doubt, I have so many things to be thankful for this past year. On January 1, 2008, David and I celebrated our SIX year anniversary together. Crazy!The next few months kept me super busy with all the wedding planning, the overtime shifts at work to pay for the wedding, sessions at the gym with my personal trainer, baby showers, birthdays, and so much more. On March 2nd, I completed my first-ever marathon. I thought it would be cool to run 26 miles at 26 years old. Yep, this was a ONE-TIME deal, that's for sure. It took me a grueling 5 hours & 11 minutes to complete the run through LA, but I was damn proud of myself. I spent a few days in mid-April in Palm Springs for a mother-daughter retreat. We soaked ourselves in 100 degree+ hot springs water at the spa and of course, my mother shared her words of wisdom and bits of pre-marital couseling with me. Overall, we really enjoyed each other's company and it was nice to be able to have that bonding time after so many years. On May 4th, even after I had tortured myself with the LA Marathon, I convinced myself to finish the "Run through Redlands" 1/2 marathon and accomplished my best running time yet! With one month left 'til the wedding, there was a lot going on in the month of May. My bridesmaids threw me an exciting and adventurous (or should I say "dangerous?" keke...) LUAU bridal shower. On Memorial weekend, my dear friend & sister-in-law Chihye ended one chapter of her life as she graduated from Loma Linda University Medical School and I was so happy to be there for her! She is now working as an Internal Medicine resident at Huntington Memorial in Pasadena. Last but not least, how could I ever forget the bachelorette party in Vegas?!?! With my closest girlfriends around, I couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate the last bit of my freedom as a single lady! As June finally hit, every day, every hour, every minute of my time was consumed by the oh-so-fun wedding planning and I couldn't have done it without my biggest support group, my girlfriends. I love you all! On June 22, everything that led up to this day finally paid off. I went from Ms. Lee to Mrs. Lee. And no, we're not related. Although our wedding day was probably the hottest day of June, we made it and amazingly, so did the makeup!!! (*witnessed by our cakey, pale faces of course). The next week was spent relaxing on our honeymoon in paradise, first Moorea, then Bora Bora. EXPENSIVE!....but AMAZING! Even though we were miles away from home, we got word via email that our close friend, Jonathan was ENGAGED and is soon to be wed in May 2009. Once we returned from our honeymoon, we vacationed some more with the Saesims, Changs, & Liaos in Palm Springs. Just when I thought things were slowing down, July was just as busy with two weddings back to back (Ben & Jullie 7/20, June & Hyung 7/27). Now that I was a newlywed, I ditched my night shift buddies to become a normal day shifter 7am-7pm so that I could spend more time with David. Although I missed the shift differential ($4 more on nights) and mostly the company of my partner-in-crime, Jessica, I have to admit that the switch was definitely a good choice! I no longer sleep 12 hours on my days off now and I'm a much happier person! =) Ask David! In August, a fairly big group of our friends took a weekend trip to SF & NAPA for wine-tasting and fine dining! A few days later, I invited everyone over and grilled Korean BBQ for David's birthday/housewarming party. Luckily, we somehow managed to accomodate 25+ people in our little dinky apartment. Then, on August 31st, Gina and James finally tied the knot! 2008 was definitely a busy year for weddings! Late September, our CKSDA family visited an orphange in Mexico and made the most out of our one day mission trip (providing medical, dental, and even hair care by BAUHAUS's senior hairstylist Saejin Oh, spending time with the children through arts and crafts, and preparing a nice meal). It was truly a blessing for all of us. By now, in October, I had definitely put on more than needed pounds after the wedding. In an attempt to get back into shape, I completed the Long Beach 1/2 Marathon with Christine (first time 1/2 marathoner). On October 18th, CKSDA threw a benefit concert to raise money for RIO HONDO, a temporary housing facility in Norwalk. With the help of our featured perfomers (FUTURE OF FORESTRY, Lost Ocean, & Colma Clarity), we raised over $5000 donated to RIO HONDO. Sarah and I went kind of crazy this year with our multiple costume outfits for Halloween, but it was so festive and fun! This year, I dressed up a little inappropriately as a devil and tamed it down later as a greek goddess. Who knew Halloween outfits could be so expensive!?!? In November, we visited Phillip (David's younger brother) in Vegas for his birthday. Sarah won BIG in Vegas on a slot machine with $1800!!! And for her birthday, I convinced her to purchase her first LV bag with her winnings. Yay! This year, I had the chance to eat TWO thanksgiving dinners! First, we had a massive CKSDA Pre-Thanksgiving potluck at the Saesims where Danny made his first turkey ever. It was delicious! Then, David & I spent Thanksgiving in San Diego with his side of the family. We had Korean BBQ & turkey! Yeah, I think I'm still trying to put off the extra pounds from those feasts. Finally, in December, I attended the last wedding of the year (phew) for Heidi & James. Congratulations guys! Elena & I worked our party planning skills for the CKSDA 5th annual Christmas banquet, "The Black & White Ball." The weather made a big jump from the first of December, 90 degrees and sunny to mid December, 40 degrees and pouring rain! Just in time, David and I escaped from the dreary weather to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico where it was 80 degrees...perfect weather! We stayed at an all-inclusive resort (RIU) with absolutely no worries and interruptions...just pure relaxation...with the help of many mojitos of course. We returned just in time for Christmas with my side of the family. With 2009 coming around the corner, I'm doing some last-minute planning for New Year's Eve at my brother's house. We've invited all the LL posse and it's definitely going to be a blast as we ring in another year! As I look back on 2008, I am so grateful for all the fond memories, good health, new and old friendships, and most of all, the love and support from all of you! HAPPY 2009!
Friday, December 19, 2008
He's finished!
Yay! Today was DAY TWO of David's STEP 2's. I am praying that all the long hours of studying PAID OFF! Everyone's been asking me "Where is David?" And over and over and over again, I say "He's studying." It's only a matter of months before he's done with dental school. I still can't believe it. For me, it's gone by quickly. For him, not so much.
In the meanwhile, we'll be gone this weekend to recover from all the madness this past month. You won't find us anywhere, not in the OC, not in SD....
Instead, we'll be here....
An all-inclusive resort (RIU SANTA FE) in Cabo San Lucas. *sigh* The Saesims are also vacationing in Mexico, but in Puerto Vallarta. We'll be together in the same country at least, in spirit. For the rest of you, I'll be thinking of you and enjoy a juicy margarita for you!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Three Yummy Recipes
This year, our church had a pre-Thanksgiving potluck at the Saesim's. I was inspired from the Food Network to make 2 out of these 3 dishes. It's really not much, but I take pride in it because bottom line, I don't cook that much. Here's what I prepared:
Paula Dean's Banana Split Brownie Pizza
I don't know why this picture keeps coming up sideways, but pretty much I baked brownie pizza in a 13 inch round pizza pan. (bake brownie according to box instructions - I used Duncan Hines Chewy Mix). Then, the spread (in white) is actually cream cheese mixed with a little bit of sugar and crushed pineapples (drained). You don't want to know just how much cream cheese I used. =/ Anyways, you can pretty much add whatever fruit you'd like. I added sliced strawberries, blueberries, & bananas (w/ a little lemon juice to prevent browning).
Wala~~~~~....I love this dessert because it's quick and easy.
And very fun to decorate! =) After putting on the spread & fruit, I added peanuts and chocolate syrup! =)
It was very fun! I have to admit, I was a bit scared of how it would taste (...never tried it before...) Thank goodness it was a hit! =) I can you go wrong with brownies, cream cheese, and fruit, right???
Here's the link to this wonderful recipe:
Next: Robin Miller's Herbed cheese stuffed bread twists!
1. Buy refrigerated bread sticks. Or if you're gung ho, make your own dough.
3. Spread herb cheese through the canal. I used Alouette Garlic & Herb Spreadable Cheese.
5. Twist the bread sticks and lay it on a pan (spray with PAM oil) or a cooking sheet. Brush bread sticks with egg white and sprinkle with salt & pepper. Bake for 12 minutes or until golden brown.
There you have your herbed cheese stuffed bread twists!
Link to the recipe:
And last but not least, my Spring Mix Berry Salad!
- Spring Mix greens
- White Balsamic Vinagrette (or any other vinagrettes)
- chopped avocado
- chopped green apple
- dried cranberries
- sliced strawberries
- blueberries
- blackberries
- honey glazed sliced almonds
- feta cheese cubes
Well, there you go! Three delicious recipes and more to come! =)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
damn her.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she won DWTS, but damn....
- She has an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G body.
- She gave birth to F-O-U-R children.
- I haven't even had kids but why can't I have her body?
- On top of that, she has a beautiful face and personality!
- Damn her.

So please don't mind me as I vent all these bitter thoughts on how F-A-T I am and how H-O-T she is. After the wedding, I've been slacking BIG TIME on my diet & exercise. I try my best, but the motivation's just not there least like before. But still....ideally, I would like to lose a couple more pounds and in my dream world, I would like to lose more like 10~! Today, I signed up for the Carlsbad 1/2 marathon in January to get me back in shape! I need to start training so I can get out there and shed those pounds! Thanks to my team, Elena-my diet partner, Hyunah-my workout buddy, and Shonna-my personal trainer, would be OVER!
Typically, I try not to have junk food around the house, but when David goes grocery shopping, it's another story. He comes home with this.

It's so bad, yet so good! Once you start, you can't stop! All throughout the day, I'll be so good, eating relatively healthy all day, until I get home and struggle with myself, "Should I eat it? No!?! But it's so good! Don't do it Sharon! A little won't hurt, just run tomorrow!" Do you feel my pain???
In the meanwhile, I have this to keep me motivated....

True Religion Joey Jeans (dark drifter gold disco)....the damage? $297!
i heart cupcakes.
Last week, my kitchen was abused like no other. I don't typically cook much, but given all the special occasions lately, I was on a mission to utilize the kitchen. The occasion? Sarah's birthday. We typically bake together (hence ~S & S~ cupcakes) but this time, sans the birthday girl to spare the surprise.

Just getting started...

Unfortunately, I didn't use any of the recipes from these books. It's just for show. =D These were gifts! Next time I will definitely experiment with a cupcake recipe from one of these books. In the meanwhile, Betty Crocker did the job.

My tub full of goodies (frosting tips, sprinkles, etc.)

Before....(bottom left-whipped butter cream, bottom right-whipped cream cheese, & top-creamy cream cheese frosting)

And after food coloring....wa-la~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Having fun with pink fondant.

Put 4 cupcakes together and you get a mini-cake? hee hee. Did I mention? Sarah's an avid HELLO KITTY fan (just like me). We'll never grow out of our Hello Kitty phase. BTW, I got the cute candle from Party America. =) Cute, huh?

I tried so hard to be careful with the frosting. I wanted to impress my teacher (sarah).

You probably can't tell but there's a little bit of *sparkle* that I added onto the cupcakes.

The final product.

Of course, I had to taste test. Yes, they were um...quite DEEEEEEEEELIcious!

Sprinkles! Yum.

More Hello Kitty decorations....

Thank goodness for a cupcake carrier (Martha Stewart!)

So what do you think???
Just getting started...
Unfortunately, I didn't use any of the recipes from these books. It's just for show. =D These were gifts! Next time I will definitely experiment with a cupcake recipe from one of these books. In the meanwhile, Betty Crocker did the job.
My tub full of goodies (frosting tips, sprinkles, etc.)
Before....(bottom left-whipped butter cream, bottom right-whipped cream cheese, & top-creamy cream cheese frosting)
And after food coloring....wa-la~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Having fun with pink fondant.
Put 4 cupcakes together and you get a mini-cake? hee hee. Did I mention? Sarah's an avid HELLO KITTY fan (just like me). We'll never grow out of our Hello Kitty phase. BTW, I got the cute candle from Party America. =) Cute, huh?
I tried so hard to be careful with the frosting. I wanted to impress my teacher (sarah).
You probably can't tell but there's a little bit of *sparkle* that I added onto the cupcakes.
The final product.
Of course, I had to taste test. Yes, they were um...quite DEEEEEEEEELIcious!
Sprinkles! Yum.
More Hello Kitty decorations....
Thank goodness for a cupcake carrier (Martha Stewart!)
So what do you think???
Sunday, November 23, 2008
1....2....3....4 babies!
On July 29, 2008, 4 adorable babies shook the earth with their entrance into the world. Not long after their birth, we experienced a 5.4 magnitude earthquake! During their 2 month stay in the hospital, I had the privilege of taking care of them as one of their 15 primary nurses. We immediately fell in love with the babies (in birth order-Anthony, Michael, Jaileigh, & Jakob) and their awesome parents, Amber & Mike. I've been fortunate enough to keep in touch with the family since they've left the hospital. And here are some pictures from my last two visits to the family that was once 2, now SIX!
This is Jakob. He was the peanut of the bunch when he was first born. Not so much anymore.
Jaileigh got her nails polished by Melissa. Pretty pink. And notice her little bitty bracelet from daddy.
Anthony cuddling w/ Jess.
The family getting interviewed by CBS.
I think this is Anthony (?)....
She's thinking...."I know I'm cute. So what?"
Well...Amber & Mike have definitely had their hands full, but they've been blessed with 4 little bundles of joy. I am so happy that all the munchkins are healthy, happy, & strong!
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