Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she won DWTS, but damn....
- She has an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G body.
- She gave birth to F-O-U-R children.
- I haven't even had kids but why can't I have her body?
- On top of that, she has a beautiful face and personality!
- Damn her.

So please don't mind me as I vent all these bitter thoughts on how F-A-T I am and how H-O-T she is. After the wedding, I've been slacking BIG TIME on my diet & exercise. I try my best, but the motivation's just not there least like before. But still....ideally, I would like to lose a couple more pounds and in my dream world, I would like to lose more like 10~! Today, I signed up for the Carlsbad 1/2 marathon in January to get me back in shape! I need to start training so I can get out there and shed those pounds! Thanks to my team, Elena-my diet partner, Hyunah-my workout buddy, and Shonna-my personal trainer, would be OVER!
Typically, I try not to have junk food around the house, but when David goes grocery shopping, it's another story. He comes home with this.

It's so bad, yet so good! Once you start, you can't stop! All throughout the day, I'll be so good, eating relatively healthy all day, until I get home and struggle with myself, "Should I eat it? No!?! But it's so good! Don't do it Sharon! A little won't hurt, just run tomorrow!" Do you feel my pain???
In the meanwhile, I have this to keep me motivated....

True Religion Joey Jeans (dark drifter gold disco)....the damage? $297!
sharon what are you talking about?! u have a great body!
She IS hot and so are YOU!!! But I do admire you for running's a lot of work/training!
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